imagination is more important than knowledge

Adolf Hitler's car sold for U.S. $ 15 million


A Mercedes Benz 770 K models belong to the Nazi dictator, Adolf Hitler, was sold for U.S. $ 15 million. The car was first ridden by Adolf Hitler was bought by a Russian billionaire who still remain anonymous.

According to a news source that the car was booked by Russian billionaire through a used car dealer in Duesseldorf, Germany. Previous car has changed hands several times since the end of World War II, the car was in Austria, and then to be in a classic museum in Las Vegas, the United States and eventually fell into the hands of a businessman drinks beer from Bavaria, Germany.

Hitler car now has a new place to live in Moscow, the city that never can be visited Hitler while Nazi forces tried to sit

painting sold 25 million pounds

Picasso's paintings of women younger lover who sold 25 million pounds. Portraits depict Picasso's affair with a pair sold at the gallery of modern art and impressionist Sotheby's in London, England. Painting titled La Lecture was showing figure Marie-Therese Walter, 17 years old blonde woman who first met Picasso in Paris Metro station in 1927.
Picasso, who was aged 45 approached Walter with simple words. "My name is Picasso. You and I will do amazing things together. "
Their relationship has been a secret for many years due to age and status far adrift that Picasso was married. However, Walter became the subject of several eminent Picasso paintings.
Walter describes the painting seemed to be asleep in the chair. It was first introduced at the Paris exhibition in 1932. painting was bought anonymously and collected more money than double the previous estimate of 12 million pounds.

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