imagination is more important than knowledge
Showing posts with label I was intelligent are. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I was intelligent are. Show all posts

Here's 11 Ways to make Your Brain Smarter:


1. Practice your observing skills
Consider the environment. Record in your mind what you see, from the most simple and forwarded to the observation that more complicated.

2. Sharpen your senses.

Can be trained to distinguish the taste of food likes and does not. Recognizing the smell and aroma around or the sounds that exist on the road or maybe the heat or cold air around you.

3. Memorize the names of friends and the pair number.

How many can remember? Train to be able to remember more.

4. Learn something new.

Many read and become acquainted with other things that might not be your field, be a foreign language, knowledge of computers, and others.

5. Use your hands to follow the instructions that brain.

Such as playing guitar, typing without looking at the keys, doing crafts of wood, or practice writing smooth.

6. Elaborated hobby.

Use the opportunity to develop your hobby.

7. Learn and memorize important dates, involving a family member, friend, or celebrations.

8. Memorize something you like.

It could be a poem, a song, a book or a sentence of a person's words. As far as possible also keep the phrase used is a foreign language.

9. Exercise memorize long sequence of numbers lined up, for example, 32145687390282930498.

It is a form of exercise improve short-term memory. Make or break down the numbers by grouping it into several parts, such as 7390282 and 3214568 then the last 930 498.

10. Remember personal travel.

What are you doing an hour ago, last week on Wednesday at 10.00, for example. With whom, where, and so on.

11. Remember and meticulous re daily expenses.

What did you buy today? How much money is in your wallet right now? When did you last take the cash, and so on.

These exercises will allow brain cells remain active and connective tissue between cells of the brain the meeting. Challenging mental activities increase the number of active circuits or synapses in the brain. The more circuits, more and more associations, the greater the ability to remember.

Ten ways to be smart when we learn to be effective

1. Learning is understood not merely memorize
Yes, the main function is why we must learn to understand new things. We may know the 100% all the details of the lesson, but more important is whether we have understood very well with all the material memorized it. So before memorizing, always try to understand the first outline of the subject matter.

2. Reading is the key to learning
So we can understand, at least read the new material twice a day, before and after the matter was explained by the teacher. Because the brain is processing the material three times so it is guaranteed to be stored for a long time in our brain.

3. Take note of the main points of the lesson
Leave a note long lesson. Take the gist or conclusion of each lesson is reread. The key words here which will be useful when we repeat the lessons during the exam.

4. Remember the key words
Sometimes, like it or not we have to memorize the subject matter quite a lot. Actually this can be tricked. Make the key words from each recitation, so easy to remember the time we call the brain.

5. Choose the right time to learn
Time to learn the most delicious is the saaat our bodies are still fresh. Indeed, not everyone has the time to learn the same bad lo. But usually, the morning is a great time to concentrate fully. Use this time to process new materials. The remains of the energy can be used to repeat lessons and homework.

6. Build a comfortable learning atmosphere
Many things can create a comfortable learning atmosphere. We can select the songs according to our mood. The place we can also learn to adjust. If you're bored in the room could be on the terrace or in the library. The key lest we interfere with learning activities and disturbed by others.

7. Form Study Groups
When tired of self-learning, can learn together with friends. Do not have a lot for not going to be effective, a maximum of five people. Create a division of the material to be learned each person. Then each person in turn explain the material mastered it to all other members. Atmosphere for learning is usually fun and we are guaranteed going to be difficult to get

8. Educate yourself our ability
Actually, we can train our own brainpower. At the end of each chapter lesson, usually given practice questions. Without the need to wait for instructions from the teacher, try to answer these questions and check the extent of our ability. If the answer is no material in the book, try to ask the teacher.

9. Develop materials that have been studied
If we have to repeat the material and answer all exercises, do not immediately close the book. Try our critical thinking ala scientists. Make a few questions that have not been included in the exercises. Ask the teacher to answer. If not satisfied, find the answer at the other reference books or the Internet. This method invites us to always think ahead and critical.

10. Make time for a break
Learning to be tight, but do not forget to take a break. When in class, every lesson breaks used to relax the body and mind. Every 30-45 minutes of study time at home we are always interspersed with rest. If the mind is too late, it's useless to impose themselves. After the break, a fresh body and brain is ready to accept new material.

One again, the purpose of the test and the test is to measure the extent of our ability to understand the subject matter in school. In addition to answering practice questions, there are other ways to test whether we have understood the material or not. Let us explain in their own words every material that has been studied. If we can explain clearly and regularly, no need to detail, means we already understand.

8 Types of Human Intelligence

Human distinctiveness in comparison to the other God's creatures are as human beings endowed with reason which is not possessed by other creatures. With reasonable men can also choose an action or attitude what he should do, in the sense there is also intelligence that turned out to have a variety of different types of humans. According to Prof. Howard Gardener, a researcher from the United States, there are 8 types of intelligence in humans, namely:

Linguistic intelligence is the ability to use words effectively, both orally and in writing. This intelligence includes sensitivity to the meaning of words, the order of words, sounds, rhythm and intonation of the words are pronounced. Including the ability to understand the power of words in the altered state of mind and convey information.

Logical mathematical intelligence is the ability to solve problems. He was able to think and devise a solution (a solution) with a logical sequence (sense). He likes numbers, sequence, logic and order. He understood the pattern of the relationship, he was able to make the process of deductive and inductive thinking. The process of deductive reasoning means thinking of big things to little things. The process of inductive thinking means thinking of small things to big things.

Visual and spatial intelligence is the ability to see and observe the visual and spatial world accurately (carefully). Visual means image, namely spatial matters relating to space or place. This intelligence involves the awareness of warana, line, shape, space, size and also the relationship between these elements. This intelligence also involves the ability to see objects from different angles.

Musical intelligence is the ability to enjoy, observe, distinguish, fabricate, form and express musical forms. This intelligence includes sensitivity to rhythm, melody and timbre of the music heard. Music has a huge influence on the development of math and science skills in a person.

It has been in teiliti in 17 countries on the ability of students aged 14 years in the field of science. In the study it was found that children from the Netherlands, Japan and Hungary have the highest achievement in the world. While in-depth thorough turns three countries incorporate this into their curriculum. Besides music can also create a relaxed yet alert, can encourage, stimulate creativity, sensitivity and ability to think. Learning to use the right music will help us in improving memory.

Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to observe and understand the intentions, motivations and feelings of others. Sensitive to facial expressions, voice and body movements of others and he is able to respond effectively to communicate. Intelligence was also able to get into other people, other people understand the world, understand the views, attitudes of others and generally lead the group.

6. Intrapersonal intelligence
Intrapersonal intelligence is the ability to relate to awareness and self-knowledge. Able to understand their own strengths and weaknesses. Able to motivate himself and self-discipline. People who have the intelligence is highly appreciated values ​​(rules) etiquette (manners) and moral.

Kinesthetic intelligence is the ability to use your body skillfully to express ideas, thoughts and feelings. This intelligence also includes the physical skills in the areas of coordination, balance, endurance, strength, flexibility and speed.

Naturalist intelligence is the ability to recognize, differentiate, disclose and make categories of what is encountered in nature and the environment. The point is the human ability to recognize plants, animals and other parts of the universe.

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