imagination is more important than knowledge

8 Types of Human Intelligence

Human distinctiveness in comparison to the other God's creatures are as human beings endowed with reason which is not possessed by other creatures. With reasonable men can also choose an action or attitude what he should do, in the sense there is also intelligence that turned out to have a variety of different types of humans. According to Prof. Howard Gardener, a researcher from the United States, there are 8 types of intelligence in humans, namely:

Linguistic intelligence is the ability to use words effectively, both orally and in writing. This intelligence includes sensitivity to the meaning of words, the order of words, sounds, rhythm and intonation of the words are pronounced. Including the ability to understand the power of words in the altered state of mind and convey information.

Logical mathematical intelligence is the ability to solve problems. He was able to think and devise a solution (a solution) with a logical sequence (sense). He likes numbers, sequence, logic and order. He understood the pattern of the relationship, he was able to make the process of deductive and inductive thinking. The process of deductive reasoning means thinking of big things to little things. The process of inductive thinking means thinking of small things to big things.

Visual and spatial intelligence is the ability to see and observe the visual and spatial world accurately (carefully). Visual means image, namely spatial matters relating to space or place. This intelligence involves the awareness of warana, line, shape, space, size and also the relationship between these elements. This intelligence also involves the ability to see objects from different angles.

Musical intelligence is the ability to enjoy, observe, distinguish, fabricate, form and express musical forms. This intelligence includes sensitivity to rhythm, melody and timbre of the music heard. Music has a huge influence on the development of math and science skills in a person.

It has been in teiliti in 17 countries on the ability of students aged 14 years in the field of science. In the study it was found that children from the Netherlands, Japan and Hungary have the highest achievement in the world. While in-depth thorough turns three countries incorporate this into their curriculum. Besides music can also create a relaxed yet alert, can encourage, stimulate creativity, sensitivity and ability to think. Learning to use the right music will help us in improving memory.

Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to observe and understand the intentions, motivations and feelings of others. Sensitive to facial expressions, voice and body movements of others and he is able to respond effectively to communicate. Intelligence was also able to get into other people, other people understand the world, understand the views, attitudes of others and generally lead the group.

6. Intrapersonal intelligence
Intrapersonal intelligence is the ability to relate to awareness and self-knowledge. Able to understand their own strengths and weaknesses. Able to motivate himself and self-discipline. People who have the intelligence is highly appreciated values ​​(rules) etiquette (manners) and moral.

Kinesthetic intelligence is the ability to use your body skillfully to express ideas, thoughts and feelings. This intelligence also includes the physical skills in the areas of coordination, balance, endurance, strength, flexibility and speed.

Naturalist intelligence is the ability to recognize, differentiate, disclose and make categories of what is encountered in nature and the environment. The point is the human ability to recognize plants, animals and other parts of the universe.


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