1. Live Longer. Perekembangan medical technology and health makes a lot of
drugs was found. Harapn living is increasing. Baby boy born in 2004 is expected
to have a life expectancy up to age 74. While a girl can live to 79 years.
Lived longer, would require more costs as well. If you do not do financial
planning early on, the old days you would senyamn today.
2. The Health Cost Mahal. When you live longer, the total lifetime health care
costs will also be greater. Deadly disease that may now be treated, but the
price is certainly more expensive medicine. Remember the first time the Dutch
penjahan, no coronary heart disease, cancer or stroke, only colds disease,
bubonic plague, cholera or tuberculosis. This needs into consideration when
planning your finances before you reach retirement age.
3. Comfortable retirement. Sooner or later you are earning about to enter
retirement. If you no longer work, it means no more income each month. If
anything, the numbers are much smaller than when you are working productively.
In fact, if you retire at age 55 years and live to the age of 79 years, you
still have to eat as much as 26 280 times. This does not include inflation. If
a meal costs 10,000, you will spend Rp262.2800.000 subject only to eat it!
4. No temptation Stop Technology. Several decades ago, there was no such thing
as cinema, cable TV, home theater devices, cellular phones, PDA, Playstation,
internet, shopping centers and so on, which can drain your income. Advanced
technology that has spawned a variety of sophisticated tools and facilities
that would want you to enjoy. If you do not have extra money, how you can get
and enjoy all the sophistication that?
5. Keep Moving needs. Been calculated where most of your money 'go'? It's your
money much used for common activities such as work, shopping and schools.
However, to achieve temapt work, malls and schools. You would need
transportation. All you need to calculate mileage buknalah but Biya who
dikeluarjkan for public transport or petrol costs (if a private vehicle). Do
not forget to increase every year.
6. Preparation of the Future. At 10-15 years ago, a diploma is enough to find
work. Now, you need to pursue a Master's degree or even PhD. For those of you
who want a career, S1 degree that it seems like not enough. The next title can
only be achieved if you can plan your finances well. Because when it went back
to school, you automatically need not cost a bit.
7. Married and Have Children. Munkgin You are not currently planning to get
married and have children. However, as a picture of many women who decide to
stop working when having children. Depends on the couple? You should not take
for granted. So, to meet the education fund after you no longer earn a living, to
prepare early.
8. The High Cost of Living. From year to year cost of living continues to rise.
Similarly, when you decide to have children. Not only you need to get
expensive. Children's needs were just as expensive. You not only have to pay
for food, clothing and schooling, but also music lessons, ice-language,
bimibingan learn, and much more. Ready?
9. Inflation. Do not forget that inflation continues to rise each year.
Inflation would affect the prices of products and services. The new life will
be safe if you start now you are investing money in instruments that can rival
the inflation rate.
10. Heritage. Maybe this idea is far from your mind right now. However, it is
also necessary that you consider living in the future will be more difficult
from now, you certainly do not want our children and grandchildren later life
difficult because you can not bequeath any property?
So, let's start thinking and acting. The earlier start would be the easier your
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