When do you sometimes nervous. Then there arose a feeling of inadequacy and failure. For example, when doing a presentation at the office. Shortly before the presentation you feel nervous. Then you start to lack confidence in your abilities. That arise in your mind is negative things, such as the presentation is rejected, angry boss or anything else. You try to pull a deep breath. Think clearly and always think positive things. Do not have a shadow or a sense of failure.
An opinion stating that the mind is the strength of one's own terdahsyat. How not thought capable of making David stood up to Goliath. Including yours, what you imagine and believe to be true. So now it's up to you. The positive imagine you will succeed, while a negative thought, your failure is the answer.
Do you often grumble or complain? We recommend that you begin to reduce it. Grumbling is part of the barriers to success. You may not realize when you're grumbling. For example, when you are given more work by the boss, then in your heart to say, "Oh, that's just not finished still be more." This is not important who grumbled affect your success, try to remove slowly. Because without knowing it, grumbled dampen the spirit, and mental burden to do something.
Works were often accumulate. Looking at the stack to make us feel overwhelmed. Do not delay it no matter how small the job. Try to finish up a little if it very much. If you are a forgetful, make a list of work to do. Give each sign if the job is completed.
Focus on something is a bit difficult. The problem that you face everyday tend to exacerbate the problem. Try to be more professional. For time and mind for office work and for personal stuff. Pour concentrate more on work that is more satisfactory results.
One of the most difficult is to develop discipline. So you really have to discipline yourself. Do not underestimate the little things. Coming to office hours is a simple yardstick to measure our discipline. It is hard to do, if only you yourself have said that the traffic could not have come on time.
And always open to the criticism of others. Judged by others is an important thing, because you can not judge yourself for an objective assessment is not enough. Accept other people's opinions, ask your boss or colleagues, what was lacking from you. Also be sure to fix it. Little by little, your success will change.